University of Kansas Hotline

What is the University of Kansas Hotline?
The University of Kansas recognizes its obligation to employees and constituents to maintain the highest ethical standards. The University has established a hotline, administered by Lighthouse, to facilitate anonymous reporting of suspected violation of laws, policies or standards in a manner that facilitates resolution and assures non-retaliation.
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University of Kansas Code of Ethical Conduct
To affirm the University of Kansas’ commitment to the highest standards of ethical, legal, and professional behavior.
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Why Report an Incident?
All employees are accountable for fulfilling their responsibilities and for conducting themselves ethically, honestly, and in good faith. We are responsible to each other, the University, and all those we serve, both for our actions and our decisions not to act. Each individual is expected to exercise sound judgment and serve the best interests of the institution and the community.
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If you require emergency assistance, please contact 911 or your local authorities.